Postcards from the Past #6: Hampton Court & Windsor Castle

C.M. Sedgwick Quote
(click on the square to see the video in a full screen)

Instagram Post of July 21, 2020:

In 1839, Catharine’s traveling party wrapped up their trip to England with a visit to two popular sights on the outskirts of London.  See what she thought of Hampton Court Palace and Windsor Castle in the Postcards from the Past #6 Facebook post at

Quote on Hampton Court and Windsor Castle.png

C.M. Sedgwick Quote on Hampton Court and Windsor Castle--click on image for full resolution

On July 4th, Catharine’s traveling party made it to the outskirts of London to Hampton Court Palace, where Henry VIII lived with his six wives, and Windsor Castle, where Henry VIII and Jane Seymour are buried and Harry and Meghan more recently got married.

At St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, Catharine’s letter relayed how its memorials gave her “feelings.”  It struck me as something that people say today when something is giving them “all the feels.” On some level, isn’t that what traveling is all about -- a desire to be moved by novel sights and sounds?

In the images, you can compare current pictures to Hampton Court Palace in 1886 and St. George’s Chapel interior in 1915.