Moses Dresser Phillips in Worcester
By August of 1837, Phillips is in business alone. Like his peers, Moses advertises in newspapers:
“Milton’s Poetical Works,” “Life and Works of
Shakespeare,”“Life and Works of Franklin,” “Young, Gray,
Collins, Coleridge, Hemans, Sigourney, & Gould’s poetical
Works,” “Johnson’s Life and Writings,” “Novels and Tales
by Maria Edgwort,” “Jefferson’s Life and Correspondence,”
“Canning’s Select Speeches,” “Phillip’s, Curran’s, Grattan’s
and Emmett’s Speeches,” “Library of American Biography”
in seven volumes, “Spurzheim, Combe, and Jones’ Works
on Phrenology,” “Prior’s Life of Goldsmith,” “Irving’s Life of
Columbus,” “Scott’s Bible cheap”; “Doddridge’s Family
Expositor,” Barnes’s “Notes on the Gospel - Acts and
Romans”; “Ripley’s Notes on the Bible,” and the “Family
Library in 81 volumes.”
What genres are these books?
M. D. Phillips & Co. Bookstore Advertisement in Worcester Republican, August 30, 1837.
TOTALS 117 100%
The experience with book selection and popular taste Moses gains during his retail work in Worcester will carry over to his later career. His Boston firm eventually publishes numerous works in series format, including a famous series of Shakspeare’s works. The later firm also publishes writings by and/or about a number of the male (Milton, Franklin, Combe, Young, Gray, and Collins) and female (Hemans, Sigourney, and Gould) authors listed in his 1837 advertisement.
In addition to his active professional life, Moses has a busy personal life. He marries Charlotte Foxcroft, a Worcester native from a prominent family. Moses chooses a partner who loves learning and sharing knowledge with others, a confident woman who knows about striking out on one's own. Prior to her marriage, Charlotte has attended her cousin Catherine Fiske's Young Ladies' Academy in Keene, New Hampshire before embarking on her teaching career. Surely, Moses is aware that Charlotte has taught at that academy and that she has spent over a year teaching in rural Vermont. Fortunately for Moses, Charlotte has returned to Worcester during the time that he has been there. After their marriage, they live in Worcester and start their family. Their oldest daughter, Catherine Fiske Phillips, is named after Charlotte's cousin and teaching role model.
In 1839, Moses publishes Warren Burton's White Slavery. His Co-publishers for this book are Boston publishers C. C. Little & Co. and B. B. Mussey.
While selling and publishing books in Worcester, Moses also acts as local agent for Brandreth’s Vegetable Universal pills. Dr. Benjamin Brandreth, a New York physician and manufacturer, is conducting an aggressive newspaper advertising campaign for his vegetable purgatives. Instead of pharmacists, Brandreth utilizes booksellers as his agents.
The Pills are sold at 25 Cents per Box, at 241 Broadway, New York; at my New England Office,10 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. And by 20,000 Agents in the United States and Canada, whose certificates and Pills should be carefully examined before a purchase is made.
Is my agent for Worcester, and has the genuine Brandreth Pills, wholesale and retail. Buy of no others in Worcester.
“It is only a few years since, not only in country towns but in the cities, that pills and poetry, essences and essays, drugs and dramas, were distributed over the same counter and by the same hands. In the process of natural selection it was, perhaps, logical that a decoction of poetry should be followed by a purgative of pills. The publisher of the first collected edition of the works of our revered poet was also the vender of Brandreth’s pills. He made a fortune, and I leave you to infer whether it was from the pills or the poetry.”
J.C. Derby, Fifty Years with Authors and Publishers, 282
Phillips continues his ties to the health field in 1843, publishing Jacob Baker’s Human Magnetism, a book on the popular topic of magnetic healing. Selling a variety of items might profit entrepreneurs such as Phillips by merging customers of different types of products into one location. People coming into the bookstore for pills will notice books and items such as paper hangings for sale at the Phillips bookstore in Worcester' Brinley Block, while those looking for books might select from the easily accessible health products.
Good health is on Moses's mind, as he and Charlotte have suffered the loss of young Catharine and are nurturing their baby son, John. Charlotte's mother, also named Charlotte, suffers from tuberculosis, known as consumption during Moses's lifetime.